Monday, July 26, 2010

Life can be so much different...

I thought never that I could feel so much for someone very special again but it did happen. She is cute, shy and give so much feelings and energy back... and the most important thing is - I stopped missing my ex-wife...

Even beeing in love again I am still concerned about what if... so still thinking with my head and not letting my heart decide even when sometimes it is difficult not to listen...

Either this will be a nice time or it could become more than it seems to be... it's all about Kismet... someone has decided what should happen to me and I believe in this...

But first comes a vacation, all booked and spending a beautiful time with her to start a new period in her and my life... Bodrum - hopefully this time a place to remember with much more positive then negative memories...

I really would like to say that I love you so much... but need to be sure not to get burnt again...

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