Saturday, September 11, 2010

Long weekend - lot of thoughts - lot of love

She is just away for 4 days but this is kind of a proof if I really love her or not... i do love her... really, she is in my mind and my soul... i miss her grey-blue eyes in the morning when i wake up and she is lying in my arms, I miss her soft lips giving me a good morning kiss as she gives me a kiss before we fall asleep, I miss her body lying half on my, the soft breeze of her nose on my neck...

It went quite fast but it is like beeing with her since a long time, I feel so happy with her and it is like having found "home" now...

There are only two thing that I do not want to think now... one is that we have to take a decision soon what to do as time is passing so fast - too fast... the other thing is that too many people get involved in topics that are not their business at all, why are they so jealous under the so called smoke screen of "protecting an innocent little girl"...

Baby - I do not know when I am ready to share this site with you as it gives you so deep insight into my past and how I felt but you are someone very special to me and I really do not want to loose you... I could not think that a wonderful thing like this could happen to me like what I can share with you at the moment and I hope that we can keep this as long as possible... I will do all I can to keep this going on...

I love you so much... I would like to share much more with you but I do not want to overrun you with my feelings... Baby - hope that you feel the same...

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