Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The end of something that started with so much love...

Today the official documents were handed in from her (at least I trust she did)... now I am waiting until I get the invitation for the hearing at the court. This will then be the last step of a long story with lot's of nice memories in the first 11,5 years. But for my own sake i should forget these and just look forward.

Now trying to get a new flat which would better serve my needs and would save some unnecessary expenses even I got in love with this flat. But you can never have all you want if you have external factors that are out of your control.

Moving to Geneva is something that I do not really prefer but you never know - at the moment I just want to live my life to full extend.

I was not aware of all the beauties around me, everyone introducing someone to me in these days, which makes me happy to be honest but taking a decision is not that easy - I think I am not ready to take a decision yet but I will spend my time with some of them until I am pretty sure...

By the way, if anyone knows someone who has a proper sized flat of about 80-100m², 2 -3 rooms (living room should be connected to kitchen and of 35m² at least), bedroom and maybe a small office/guestroom and ideally with a terrace for a max. rent of 1.200 - post me a message!

I wish you all the best, take care in the meantime until I get back with some better news...

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