Thursday, January 21, 2010

H-S-D > High Speed Divorce...

YES - it can go pretty much fast, if you really want it (she). I got the invite from the court to show up on Feb. 15th - will take 30 minutes... impressed how fast you can get divorced in this country (within 5 weeks everything completed).

This weekend is the "boxing" day, a bit different than in the UK, as this is not unpacking presents - its more packing stuff and moving out - she, not me.

Its getting cooler every day a bit more, the first calls after she left were still somehow nice but now its more and more like talking to someone you do not like anymore and the tone is getting tougher day by day.

On the other side, I am getting a bit under stress now - is it because I am looking for that or is it because I was not able to manage my own life in the past as someone managed every free minute after work. Meeting, Dining, Dating, Chatting, Working - all makes much more fun now.

I have to take care that I do not get exhausted too quick - but it really makes fun now.

After Tuesday next week there will not be any personal memory left in my flat from her and this is the day to start a new life. I will have Dinner with friends and have some fun, I will blow up with some little bombs the top part of the weeding cake that I kept in the deep freeze since 070707 - that will make some fun I guess...

Coming back when I got some good news...

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